Maha Mangala Zen Garden is the continuation of the dharma stream based on Maha Mangala Sutta. An ancient sutta was alive for 2600 years through Buddha’s enlightenment. That is a legacy, Maha Mangala pathway, a boundless pathway of the essence of being.
“Not to associate with the foolish, but to
associate with the wise; and to honor those
who are worthy of honor
this is the greatest blessing.
To reside in a suitable locality, to have done
mentorious actions in the past and to set
oneself in the right course
this is the greatest blessing.
To have much leaming, to be skillful in
handicraft, well-trained in discipline,
and to be of good speech
this is the greatest blessing.
To support mother and father, to cherish wife
and children, and to be engaged
in peaceful occupation
this is the greatest blessing.
To be generous in giving, to be righteous
in conduct, to help one’s relatives, and to be
blameless in action
this is the greatest blessing.
“Not to associate with the foolish, but to
associate with the wise; and to honor those
who are worthy of honor
this is the greatest blessing.
To reside in a suitable locality, to have done
mentorious actions in the past and to set
oneself in the right course
this is the greatest blessing.
To have much leaming, to be skillful in
handicraft, well-trained in discipline,
and to be of good speech
this is the greatest blessing.
To support mother and father, to cherish wife
and children, and to be engaged
in peaceful occupation
this is the greatest blessing.
To be generous in giving, to be righteous
in conduct, to help one’s relatives, and to be
blameless in action
this is the greatest blessing.